
Overnight Open Thread

Rustler2/16/2009 3:21:10 am PST

re: #326 Marvo76 Subs especially Ballistic Missile boats don’t tend to stick to shipping lanes. They also don’t usually stick to straight planned paths. Any Ballistic sub at sea is at a higher security status than any other ship in the navy unless in active war time. These boat every time they go out work on training the crews to move steathily and avoid detection the brits could have had their own sub hunting game going on while the frenchies were doing something similar with regards to training. There is no real need to tell each other what is going on there are millions of square miles of ocean to play in. Plus If you know an allies Ballistic is in the area it is amazing training for hunter subs to use it as a training exercise to help their crews find the black hole. Oftentimes the best way to identify a Missile sub is not thru its Sonar signature but rather thru the ways it creates a void in the sonar.