
Diseases Coming Back, Thanks to Anti-Vaxers

JHW5/07/2009 11:24:40 am PDT

This really, really irks me. My father had me and my brother fairly late in life, he was the youngest of 13 children, born just after the turn of 19 to 20th century. I’ve been looking at family history, photos of young, beautiful women, my aunts, that I never knew. All dead in early youth, from whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever. Grandmother had a lifetime of heartbreaks, most of her children dying before age 25. All that’s left are photos that I had a hard time even putting a name to, they didn’t get the slightest chance of a life that these fools take for granted. 6 out of the 13 children made it to age 30, sad beyond belief to me and these idiots want to return to these dark ages.