
Video: James Dean and Ronald Reagan, Circa 1954

The Shadow Do4/20/2010 4:50:58 pm PDT

re: #290 Walter L. Newton

No… it’s not a weird question. I grew up with “nasty” all around me, in both social and domestic areas. I grew up not “frightened” by anything, things that happened were just part of life, nothing special, nothing new.

Reading this blog, and one other local forum in my area, I see differing degrees of what “frightens” people, what rattle people, what makes them uncomfortable, and when I ask this question, it comports with the amount of real danger a person has or hasn’t had to go through.

It’s not rocket science or anything, more anecdotal probably than anything, but I personally am not bothered by people carrying guns, not bothered by the rhetoric heard from a lot of people, there are very few places or people that rattle me…

I really don’t have a “plan” in asking a question like that, just doing a little armchair analyst of life.

My conclusion may be a bit different. If you have been shot at and had a gun put between your eyes, you may become a little bit bothered by things when feeling threatened.
Rhetoric, oddly enough, means squat to me. People carrying guns do not bother me either as long as they are handling them properly. Bad weather though makes me nervous! A tornado warning is full on panic.