
New Peace Talks Imminent

elbruce8/20/2010 11:40:11 pm PDT

re: #330 SanFranciscoZionist

Palestinians are not citizens of Israel, so there are not ‘two classes of citizenry’.

Israeli Arabs are citizens of Israel.

Please explain what you’re talking about.

The next time you see a headline reading “Palestinians and Israelis clash…” look at a map. Draw a line around the country where the Palestinians and Israelis live. Now tell me, who runs the country? Which country are they both supposed to be citizens of? Are they both counted as citizens of the country they live in? No? Only some of them? Then that system is called “apartheid.”

If you disagree, then find me the country where the Palestinians have full rights to citizenship. I’ll wait over here until you can point at any piece of ground in the world where one Palestinian is being afforded his full civil and human rights. Tick tock.

The simple fact is, if you say “these boundaries define my country” and then you have to have more than one class of citizens inside those boundaris, then you are failing to run your nation, at least as far as civil and human rights are concerned.