
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): We're Not Afraid of a Shutdown

lawhawk9/30/2013 7:49:05 am PDT

re: #332 Bulworth

This is why I strongly support reinstituting the Gephardt rule, which raised the debt ceiling concurrently with any Congressional appropriations - a vote for the appropriations automatically adjusted the debt ceiling accordingly. Because Congress approved the spending, and now the GOP is welching on the bills. They’re purposefully trying to sucker Democrats into assuming cuts that they refused to make at the time the deal was struck on appropriations previously.

The GOP wants a second bite from the appropriations apple, and to do so they’re more than willing to let the debt ceiling be reached.

When that happens, the credit rating should take a hit from the ratings agencies, which means that the cost of government at all levels will go up, interest rates for everyone will go up, and the TP Extortionists will claim victory? That’s what they think.

They must be disabused of this notion, but if there are any sane heads among the GOP leadership, they aren’t showing it by word or deed.