
Finally: a Truly Fair Representative Climate Change Debate From John Oliver

sagehen5/12/2014 3:13:11 pm PDT

re: #329 GeneJockey

So, here I am, middle aged. The Big 3 started making muscle cars again, only now they don’t fly off the road when it bends gently, they get >20 mpg, they’re comfy, and even the base models have more power than most of the muscle cars did back in the day. I’ve been waiting 40 years, and I thought ‘Finally! I can get the car I’ve been wanting forever.’

Nope. Now, according to Mrs. Jockey, “It screams “Midlife Crisis!”

So she’s the kind of trophy wife a midlife crisis guy would pick? Good for you, Mrs J. And when he sits you in the passenger seat of his MLC car, wearing your flashy new MLC-trophy jewelry… make sure he turns the radio to a station that plays stuff you danced to in high school.