
Oh No! The Communists Are Mad at Me

Captain Ron8/20/2014 9:50:25 pm PDT

re: #282 Jocko’s Rocket Ship

I just saw the video of the “other” police shooting in Ferguson in recent days. It’s actually pretty clear-cut appalling as it’s all on video. A young black man acting a little erratic, just shoplifted two drinks, places them on the sidewalk, waits for police. Police come, he says “shoot me” as he walks towards them still at a fair distance arms on the side and no weapon present (that can be seen) , and they shoot him multiple times and kill him, then cuff him. About 15 seconds on the scene until the kill. Guns drawn from the start. Nothing done to calm the situation, just blam.

It blows my mind that this country thinks that is acceptable action by our police. But it’s celebrating by 30% of us.

It’s at VOX if you want to view it.

I was listening to the scanner today and we had a similar incident. A man was in front of the hospital walking on the sidewalk with a tire iron in his hand and threatening hospital staff. I wondered how will WCPD handle this? I was expecting a Tasing because WCPD loves their Tasers, nah, officer wrestled him to the ground and handcuffed him. Code 4 one in custody. WTF is St. Louis’ problem?