
A Classic Horrible Racist and Sexist Ad From the 80s: Mr. Microphone

Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing5/18/2015 8:29:01 am PDT

Looks like relations between the U.S. and Germany are in for a chill.
‘Corvettes Are Better Than Porsches,’ Says Vice President Joe Biden

“Now look — I realize no one ever doubts I mean what I say. The problem occasionally is, I say all that I mean. I have a bad reputation for being straight, sometimes at inappropriate times.”

“So here it goes — let’s get a couple things straight right off the bat: Corvettes are better than Porsches. They’re quicker and they corner as well. And sorry guys, a cappella is not better than rock and roll, and your pundits aren’t better than Washington pundits, although I’ve noticed that neither has any shame at all.”

Merkel’s gonna need some aloe for that sick burn. ///