
Marcus King: "F*ck My Life Up Again" (Solo Acoustic Version)

wrenchwench2/22/2024 9:51:50 am PST

re: #326 Belafon

The Biden age issue is not growing. Where is it now? It lasted a week and then the Right had to deal with a $400M ruling against Trump. The Biden age issue is the Harris black issue wrapped in a cloak.

The ‘age issue’ is being used because it is available. It’s seen as the best weapon, so the opposition is continuing to use it. NPR followed the news with a report on aging brains. It may be fair and balanced, but when the Dr. who spoke first about declines in the ability to handle distractions, his ‘for instance’ was, ‘if you already have a speech issue, and they turn on the spotlights and start talking to you…’

Reacting to opposition’s framing of an issue is a mistake.