
Kepler: Searching for Another Earth

yma o hyd3/07/2009 1:02:19 pm PST

re: #301 nyc redneck

the fact that they have never had a pet is very telling.

i hope they don’t get a dog.
the whole on going p.r. stunt is not abt. a dog, it’s abt them.
i just can’t imagine o and wab will be warm and loving owners.
too self centered , angry and needy.

I can already see that poor little thing cringing whenever he sees or hears WAB.
I’m sorry for their daughters, but proper parents would not let their children have pets when they themselves feel uncomfortable around them.
And dogs especially are not just a live bundle of fur - its a commitment for as long as the dog is alive.

Makes me really sad, this whole PR stunt.