
Russian Strategic Bombers in Cuba and Venezuela?

horse3/14/2009 9:57:40 am PDT

re: #279 Sharmuta

And I only say that because 0bama really does think this about himself. He is a bigger narcissist than bill clinton. We managed to get past the clinton years alright, but at least bubba had some experience. This guy’s an empty suit!

So true on narcissist, not a hint of modesty! At list Billy was someone I could envision tying one on with at the airport bar and drunkenly laughing at his crude comments regarding the flight attendants (but waking up hung over and feeling especially dirty the next day).

Regarding the Obama suit, perhaps it isn’t entirely empty, just full of the wrong stuff. I imagine a lot of dogsh*t Marxist-lite dogma went into filling that suit up over the years. (Hmmm, note to self, title of future Obama biography; “The Wrong Stuff”).