
Virginia House Republican Wards Off the Antichrist

Killgore Trout2/12/2010 11:57:37 am PST

Obama gives airport security access to more information about terrorist threats and tactics, Crazy Pam freaks out….
10,000 TSA Staff to get Secret Intelligence

Another treasonous Obama initiative. I wonder if CAIR, MSA, ISNA, ICNA, are on the distribute list as well. Who is vetting these 10,000 clowns?

How many of the unionized TSA people are unionized ….. by SEIU ? And the “Behavior Detection Officers”? Sworn L.E.O.’s……union members.

How many of the TSA people getting the classification are being screened for their loyalty to protect and defend the American people — or is this all happening in line with the administration’s agenda of anti-American rule ?
Do you wonder why this happened ? I don’t. I know why it happened.

Think it came out of nowhere ? It didn’t. It came from the top.

Read on………

The Classified Document Executive Order Buffet, hosted by Barack Hussein Obama, Jihadist-In-Chief. Kenny adds, There’s no way he wrote these exec. orders - not possible. Exec. orders are supposed to be short, simple, direct and to the point - and written by POTUS