
Assange Arrest Imminent

Dark_Falcon12/02/2010 10:07:12 pm PST

re: #328 Gus 802

I was thinking along the lines of whether we invade a country or do we sanction them so harshly to cause mass deaths over a period of time. As for the accuracy of those figures I typically add the low number with the high number and divide it by two in order to get an average. I am also aware that the sanctions was a point of criticism against the USA at the time.

It originated in the UN as United Nations Security Council Resolution 661 with 13 voting for the resolution, 2 abstaining nations, and none in opposition.

I should point out though that far fewer children would have died had Saddam actually used the oil monet he was allowed on food instead of using it to buy AT-14 ATGMs and upgrade kits for T-72s. He wanted children to suffer, so that he could apply anti-sanctions pressure. And had the sanctions been mostly lifted, Saddam would have gone back into the chemical weapons business, don’t think he wouldn’t have.