
Open Thread with Crazy Cycling Video

Gus12/04/2010 10:26:47 pm PST

In other news…

N.J. environmentalists protest proposed bill restricting on-shore wind power projects

TRENTON — When state Sen. Sean Kean saw the fierce opposition a proposed wind turbine stirred in his shore-area district, he came up with a solution: bar the construction of industrial electricity-generating windmills within 2,000 feet of any residentially zoned land.

But in the most densely populated state in the nation, environmentalists say it’s a case of “not in my backyard” gone wild. They say it would make it nearly impossible to put windmills on land along the wind-swept Jersey Shore.

Kean (R-Monmouth) drafted the bill after a proposed 325-foot windmill by Department of Military and Veterans Affairs at the National Guard training center in Sea Girt drew protests from hundreds of residents concerned it would threaten birds, cause noise, pose health risks and decrease property values. The Sea Girt council in September passed a resolution opposing building the turbine on the state-owned land.

Health risks? Wind turbines pose health risks?