
Report: LAX Shooter Purchased Guns Legally, Targeted TSA Agents

Eclectic Cyborg11/04/2013 8:50:37 am PST

Google Chairman upset over NSA, claims they are spying on too many people

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal Google Inc. Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt called the NSA’s actions “outrageous,” and said his company has filed complaints with the NSA, the White House, and Congress about “The steps that the [NSA] was willing to do without good judgment to pursue its mission and potentially violate people’s privacy.”

What’s particularly galling, says Schmidt, is that the NSA cast such a ridiculously wide net in its snooping.

“The NSA allegedly collected the phone records of 320 million people in order to identify roughly 300 people who might be a risk. It’s just bad public policy…and perhaps illegal,” he told the Journal. “There clearly are cases where evil people exist, but you don’t have to violate the privacy of every single citizen of America to find them.”