
Finally: a Truly Fair Representative Climate Change Debate From John Oliver

William Lewis5/12/2014 3:13:58 pm PDT

re: #314 Sergey Romanov

I don’t believe it. His positions on the other issues are just too far removed from progressivism.

FYI, Sergey:

Something that has changed since you were last around here is KT. He’s more often concern trolling over articles he can’t be bothered to actually read or news stories that he twists in utterly strange ways. Everything he hates is leftist inspired and he still sees OWS behind every evil thing in America when it’s not under his bed trying to scare him.

It’s a shame, KT used to bring a lot of good to the conversation around here but I haven’t seen that KT for more than one or two posts since OWS started. Instead it’s passive/aggressive concern trolling to poison as many threads as possible.