
WATCH LIVE: Trump's Press Conference With Finland President Niinistö

sagehen8/28/2017 4:52:18 pm PDT

re: #319 HappyWarrior

That dude Steve would have fit in great in Nazi Germany. He really is the face of “It’s okay if we do cuz America.” And he wants to talk about people turning against the troops? HOw about how people like Thompson were treated? I don’t care if he’s military or not, he talks like a fucking Nazi and sadly some people in our military do sound like Nazis sometimes when it comes to shit like that. Not every or most but a frustrating amount of them do.

It’s like he doesn’t understand the other side has just as many photographers and newspapers as we do (or today, Twitter and YouTube). You can’t win hearts and minds by doing shit you’d be ashamed to have publicized.

I keep coming back to — in the first Gulf War, Iraqis surrendered whole battalions at a time. It was an easy win for us, because the opposition was happy to lay down their arms. We only lost a few dozen KIA that war. Ever since Abu Grahib, they’ll fight to the death, and take as many of us as possible with them. More than 4000 so far.