
Turkish PM Gets Hero's Welcome in Istanbul for Jew-Hatred

Ayatollah Ghilmeini1/30/2009 11:49:11 am PST

When your head is filled with shit, your words can only come out brown.

The Koranic World is a perfect castle of thought. They argue that since many more Palestinians died in the war, Israel had no right to defend itself. While the logical fallacy of this might be obvious to you or I, the point is Islamist thinking in a nutshell- Islam is is right even when its wrong. The rockets were crude so it was OK for 250,000 Israelis to have to live with them. Since Israel prevented weapons from being shipped en masse to Hamas, therefore Gaza was under siege on Gaza. And so on ad nauseum.

Don’t let facts get in the way of a little Islam. Don’t let truth get in the way of Jihad. Don’t let anything get in the way of Jihad.

They have created a wonderful system of language and history to encapsulate their grievance theater masking as an assault on western civilization. Murderous attacks on Jewish civilians are “Resistance.” Arab complicity in Hitler’s crimes are forgotten and twisted so that it is Israel accused of creating a “Holocaust” and committing “Genocide.” The fact western military experts called Israel’s operation a casebook example of waging war as humanely as ever done or that unlike the annihilated WWII Jewish populations, nearly 100% of Gazans survived their “holocaust” are meaningless in the eyes of the Islamists.

Shimon Peres could not have been more right or more clear. Something is true or it is not.

When Hamas called off its false truce in December, it did not matter if Islamists the world over felt the previous six months was the greatest peace since the US and Canada settled their differences. When long range rockets started crashing down in Ashkelon, 90% and more of Israelis supported a war to stop the rockets and sent their children to possibly die to see it through. Islamists are free to live in their world where they think its some kind of “benefit” of their enlightened thinking and leadership to have their rockets go over an international border. However, when their world starts blowing up Jewish reality, Jews are forced to act in their reality without regard to Islamist reality or feelings. Israel pulled out out of Sinai, Israel pulled out of Lebanon and Gaza. Israel recognizes the PA and pretty much lets the PA govern the West Bank- the only restrictions imposed are the result of security requirements.

So I am glad that everyone is so proud of Mr. Erdogan and think he did his people proud in Davos. The Gaza war proved that democracies and people living in the other world have red lines. When those in the other world think there is something to fight about, if you are the cause of their ire, look out. No one in Israel cares if Mr. Erdogan thinks Israel was wrong. If Egypt and the Saudis blamed Hamas, not Israel for the war, you can be sure that Israel was in her rights. If Israel had just carpet-bombed Gaza because they felt like it and caused 50,000 dead (just 1 air strike without care to casualties would do just that) all of us would have joined the Arab leaders in calling for justice.

In making any judgment, everything always boils down to intentions. In our reality, if you screw up on the job and make an honest mistake, the boss will probably forgive you, if you were firing a gun to defend yourself against a robber, the prosecutor is more likely to charge the robber than you for murder. If Israel intended war crimes, she would have committed them; one guy with 1 tank could kill hundreds of people in a matter of an hour. Hamas’ rockets were intended as war crimes so Erdogan’s sin is the Islamists strong-suit: with these people intentions don’t matter one bit. Our sin is being not Islamic and the punishment is whatever they can get away with inflict on us. If they can’t make the facts fit the reality they invent them or twist them until they have something reflective of Islamic reality and its burning desire to make their morality and way of thinking the new global standard.

This war of words and guns has only just begun.