
Overnight Open Thread

capitalist piglet3/10/2009 1:32:27 am PDT

re: #328 Slumbering Behemoth

Just as radical islamists blame the attacks on our “godless culture” by placing American troops on their “holy lands”? Just as radical leftists blame the attacks on our agenda of “imperialist oppression”?

Those scum sucking fucks don’t get a pass from me over that bullshit, and neither will folks like Falwell.

You sound upset, and I’m not sure why you would be. I’m not defending the idea - I’m looking for accuracy is all.

I don’t think you’re the one who called him “evil”, but when I think of “evil”, I think of people like Hitler, Stalin, and Charles Manson. I’m honestly surprised to see a pastor tagged with that description, but I guess people must genuinely hate him, if he gets this kind of reaction.