
Cheney: 'We're Happy to Have General Powell in the Republican Party'

Neuron5/28/2009 5:21:33 am PDT

To: killgoretrout- who said, “Most of the high profile defections came after he appointed Palin as VP. It was a stupid move and many people decided that the alternative was the better option.”
To which I will let Ann Coulter respond: Not even Dick Cheney can incite the blood-curdling rage of liberals at the sight of a sexy Evangelical Christian. Paula Jones, Katherine Harris, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and, most recently, Miss California, Carrie Prejean, have all come under a frenzy of attacks from liberals.
This apparent contradiction incites violent anger in liberals, triggering their famous “flight or flight” response.” A. Coulter
I am sure you are a nice person, even if you chose a name with the word “kill” in it, however what you miss about Sarah Palin is that liberals HAD to destroy her. Just like Clarence Thomas. People like Palin and Thomas contradict everything liberals tell us and therefore must be eliminated.