
Candy Crowley Interjects: Obama 'Did in Fact' Say Libya Attack Was Terrorism

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam10/17/2012 8:58:57 am PDT

re: #322 The Mongoose

Well if you break one and drink the mercury, yeah, I would think bad things would happen. Otherwise, wtf?

Mercury does not cause cancer, AFAIK, but it does attack the nervous system if you are continually in contact with it. One busted fluorescent bulb, compact or not, is not going to kill you or even give you cancer. Now if you made a habit of breaking them, for some dumb reason, then you’re putting yourself at risk.

It’s old news, and maybe The Donald isn’t up on the latest tech, but hatters in the old days used mercury compounds to make felt hats. Hence, the phrase, “mad as a hatter.”