
Video: Romney Supporters Respond to Climate Change by Yelling "USA! USA! USA!"

ausador11/03/2012 6:29:06 am PDT

Well this is different. Beware of the…


The mushroom multiplies very fast. It resembles a flat cake, and when you put it in a container and feed it with strong tea, it grows in size and multiplies.

After the news on the Radio about the dangers of the mushroom, one old lady decided to throw it away to the nearby bush. When she did that, to her horror and surprise, she had a voice telling:” Are you throwing me away after I have helped you this much? Don’t you want anymore? She then started yelling and when people came, they also heard the voice and the whole village was in panic. It took brave men of God courage and faith to remove the mushroom from the bush and prayed for it. When they did this, it turned to a little white snake.

The mushroom resembles a placenta. It is flesh like, soft and it kind of moves. When you look at it very carefully, it has a small opening (Mouth) and two little dots (Eyes).

This is a tact that the devil used to ensnare people. The devil knew that he would catch people using their weakness (Fear of witchcraft).