
Friday Night Blue-Eyed Soul: St. Paul & the Broken Bones, "Half the City"

Smith25's Liberal Thighs3/07/2015 10:33:48 am PST

re: #320 FemNaziBitch

Vouchers are an attempt to use public funds to educate children in their parents preferences.

They are nothing new. When the 70’s when Detroit Area schools introaduced the idea of “Bussing” —our parents immediately started talking about vouchers.

I was in parochial school, even though our students would not be subject to bussing, my parents thought it was hugely unfair that they had to pay for public schools their taxes AND my tuition. They thought they should be able to use Tax money to pay my tuition.

Please note this was only a topic as long as “Bussing” was a topic.

The ideas of Busing lead to the discussion or redistricting. Ideas about this are related to the charter school/voucher issue. We don’t have charters in Lexington KY, but as the school board is working on drawing up new districts this year, there is a push to get them. (State Legislature is split on allowing them). I would never accept or support either in the county. One of the leaders of the redistricting committee came out stating that the main goals of redistricting included attempts to balance the socio-economic levels of the schools more than they are now, but not in an unfair way. The other main goal is school balance of population, and limiting overcrowding. He said that (for the High schools) getting all to between 105% and 120% capacity is key. And that is counting the new HS being built set to open in 2017. Any charter school that exists, does so at the detriment of all other public schools in the district.