
'Conservatives' Who Want to Ban Books

Quella2/12/2009 3:21:20 pm PST

re: #334 J.S.

Why then does Wilders write that “the Koran incites hatred and killing and therefore has no place in our legal order”? (that’s from Wiki article, quoting from a letter Wilders wrote to a newspaper.) Wilders has also likened the prophet in Islam to “the devil.”

Wilders has said numerous times that as the hate speech laws exist, he believes the Koran fulfills the requirements of the hate speech laws to be banned.

I personally am not one to judge whether the Koran fits hate speech requirements. I neither agree nor disagree with Wilders on his overall point and am not an Islamic scholar.

But given he has said in the past that he is in favor of 100% freedom of speech, it appears quite clear to me that he is arguing simply in arguendo that the Koran should be banned under the present hate speech laws. [citation again where he states he is in favor of 100% free speech laws]