
Robert Spencer and the Extremists, Continued

cliffster9/10/2009 7:41:11 pm PDT

re: #286 Mike Nargizian

Stomping on a raving chubby nerdy little man is not by cup of tea.
He’s of little concern to me.

CAN is apparently over the top nuts. However, again, Jerry Falwell made an insane comment after 9/11, Cali voted against gay marriage and even the “moderate” minister Obama had speak at his event has made anti gay and creationist comments.
Is there any part of the religious right you could co-habitate space with? Because while CAN is militantly over the top I don’t think many on the rr would disagree about the general sentiment re homosexuals. It’s how Rove got Bush re-elected in Ohio in 04.

Many on the left find the rr to be the greatest evil on earth, as again, you pointed out post 9/11.

So are you writing off the entire or most of the religious right where Creationism and anti homosexualism will be common?

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