
Wall Street Journal Counterattacks, Shoots Own Foot

Mostly sane, most of the time.7/18/2011 2:52:32 pm PDT

re: #329 ProLifeLiberal

Let’s not forget, Mormons are the only religious group in US history to go to war with the US Government as a whole. Certainly nutjobs of other religions have done attacks here, but it has never been the entire religious community.

It says something. Not to mention the racism, the fact that women are seen as baby factories, and about a gazillion more issues.

In the big 4 Abrahamic religions, a woman can get to heaven on her own. Not so with Mormonism. She must be married to a Mormon and be completely submissive to get to heaven. It’s disgusting. Not to mention they are Polytheistic, which is flat-out un-Abrahamic. They can believe what they want, but it is dishonest for them to call themselves Christian.

You are wrong.