
Obama's Jobs Speech, Thread 2

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)9/08/2011 7:16:48 pm PDT

re: #333 MicheleR

I understand that you list a cause that is supported by scientific fact, but wanted to mention the body of research done about this issue, which questions the possibility of a cycle. I believe pollution is a cause, but cannot, I mean can’t, pretend that there are no other explanations.

My comments on creation are meant to show that while I do support religious freedom, I am not sure how creation could be taught without religion, making it unsuitable for many people, in public schools. I support the separation of church and state, but also the right to practice, so while I want to say “religion has no place in public schools” it just feels as though I’m being hypocritical, because of my belief in religious freedom. I can’t figure out how to support both of these ideals to make everyone, of every religion happy, to say nothing of the rights of atheists.

I don’t have all the answers. I’m still learning.

Can I interpret this as meaning you do not think the Biblical Creation story should be taught as an alternative to Deep Time and evolution in high school science classes?