
Extraordinary Events in Ukraine: Government Collapses, Yanukovych Flees

Ming2/22/2014 4:33:52 pm PST

re: #332 Dr Lizardo

I’m an American and unfortunately, I’ve never been to Eastern Europe. So I don’t have much of a “first-hand perspective”, but I’m really bothered by how many Americans, on the left and now (apparently) on the right, don’t appreciate (1) what a wonderful thing it was when the USSR came apart in the late 1980’s / early 1990’s, and (2) how important it is to deny Putin the opportunity to rebuild or resurrect any part of this former superpower.

I admit that I’m “paranoid” about Putin’s intentions, and honestly, I’m surprised that Putin hasn’t moved forcefully (or more forcefully) against the Ukrainian people. I wonder if the Obama Administration, and/or other governments, have privately communicated with Putin’s government about this. But I wonder why Putin hasn’t done more. Was the timing of the Olympics that important?