
Wednesday Night Jam: Marie Louise, Happiness Has a Hole

Kragar3/13/2014 9:52:22 am PDT

Frank Ancona, president and imperial wizard of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, told the Times Dispatch that “[t]he thing that really gets me is that [people are] saying we’re teaching our children to hate people just because of their race, creed and color, and that’s a complete lie and falsehood.”

One of the fliers in Virginia, however, claimed that “many people have experienced the blacks firsthand” and have seen the “savagery and animalism in many of these people.” The fliers went on to say that the KKK’s mission is “exalting the Caucasian race and teaching the doctrine of white supremacy. That does not mean that we are enemies of the colored and mongrel race, but it does mean that we are organized to establish the solidarity and to realize the mission of the white race.”

“We don’t hate you mongrel subhumans. We just know we’re better than you and are sick and tired of you thinking you deserve equal treatment.”