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Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/20/2014 11:17:33 am PDT

re: #337 Political Atheist

California defies your first point. we do have strict laws here, and in quantity. So does DC right? How would you define “incredibly strict gun control” and not violate the 2nd as defined by recent rulings?

You keep consistently missing what I’m saying. I’m saying in my ideal world, we’d have very strict gun control laws. I’m not saying that we should do this now, or move towards it—in fact, I said the exact goddamn opposite.

I simply disagree with your premise that jailing the violent does not reduce violence on the street. Each of those people are where they can not possibly get a gun or commit mayhem outside the jail. Of course that’s not the best or a complete solution.

It doesn’t matter if you disagree with me, it matters if you can answer why you disagree. I am saying that if you lock up a violent gang member, then that creates a ‘job opening’ for another violent gang member. That guy served a purpose, a role, in the gang economy. Real-world observation shows us that when we arrest members of a gang, violence does not drop in an area, and indeed that those roles simply get filled, either from the local population or from an external gang moving in.

But think about trying to argue jail for the violent offender as a bad idea for public safety? I don’t see it. Jail is one part, an essential part to maintain public order and safety.

Good thing you just made that up and I didn’t do that, then. Seriously, what the fuck, dude? Why make up shit like this?