
Republican Congressman Confronted by Extreme Anti-Immigrant Protesters, Threatens to Punch Them Out

makeitstop4/22/2015 8:37:15 am PDT

Via Jim Wright on Facebook: Another Christianist asshole heard from:

Don Boys: Christ Would Not Vote to Increase the Minimum Wage!

Wright’s comment:

You want to know why I pick on religion so much? This, this right here. When religion starts shouting down assholes like this, when religion stops allowing itself to be hijacked by assholes just like this, when religion tosses assholes like this out the airlock, that’s when I’ll start cutting religion some slack.

Christians like Don Boys? To them their God is a sock puppet, they shove their hand up his almighty ass and work his bearded mouth and unsurprisingly their deity says exactly what they want him to say. Every time without fail.