
Texan Conspiracy Loons Launch "Counter Jade Helm" Website

Reality Based Steve7/13/2015 6:20:41 pm PDT

re: #332 Decatur Deb

Just went TU.

When I was in the Army, we had a female ROTC Cadet attached to our section. We were getting ready to go out on an exercise, and I was talking to the 1st Sergeant and the company CO about our vehicles. I said that 2 were ready to roll, but HQ-5 was TU, but the mechanic thought he could get it ready.

She looked at me and said “Sgt XXXXX, I know a lot of the military acronyms but I haven’t heard TU before. What’s it mean?”

The CO and 1SGT were looking at me with a couple of shit-eating grins, and the CO goes “Yes, SGT, what does TU stand for, I’ve often wondered that myself”

I pull my self up, look her square in the eye, and say “TU stands for ‘Totally Unserviceable’”. She walked away happy, the 1SGT and CO were cracking up, and the last thing I heard was “Great Cover on that one Sarge”. as I walked off.

(For the Lizards who aren’t military, TU means “Tits Up”, or broken)