
Economic Failure Endorses Stimulus

Hengineer2/19/2009 3:28:30 pm PST

re: #329 screaming_eagle

The type of corn used for ethanol is NOT different than used in food. It is different than sweet corn. And cellulositic ethanol is not practical for production. It is much more expensive. Corn based ethanol runs up the cost of all fertilzer,herbiceds and etc. That’s the most damning aspect.

My mistake, I did see an article outlining the different types of corn, I just misremembered (word for ya ;) ) parts of it. As to the cellulositic ethanol, I agree it is not practical for production yet its force fed into our gas tanks right now (what is it, 10% of gasoline now?).

There are better ways of producing ethanol that I’m on an internet connection too slow to really look it up and post (sorry :( ).