
Obama's First Supreme Court Pick: Sonia Sotomayor

sbulka5/26/2009 10:38:29 am PDT

While I wouldn’t have nominated her, unless she falls on her face during confirmation hearings, I think it is the Senate’s job to confirm her if she is qualified. Of course recent Repblican Presidents haven’t been given the same privilege, so you can’t exactly blame the Republicans for giving the Democrats a little bit of a taste of their own medicine. Bottom line is that elections should have consequences and this is one them.

What I do find annoying is the constant harping about her background. That is complete and utter nonsense. These same people who are touting the historical appointment were the people who fillibustered Estrada’s appointment to the DC Court of Appeals. And I am sure they will call the Republicans who oppose her all sorts of names if they come out against her.