
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

Slap12/23/2009 1:47:15 pm PST

I’m genuinely curious: why do you think that there is such a lack of knowledge of Mao’s mass murders?

I’m sure there are those who’ll suggest it’s a LEFTY plot to make him a hero; there are probably others who assume it’s a RIGHTY plot to make sure the Chinese keep spending money on American businesses and products.

In fact, why is it that, when popular discussions focus on large-scale atrocities, only Hitler and Saddam seem to be used as examples? There does seem to be some sort of mass ignorance going on. Are kids at any age regularly taught about Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Papa Doc, Mao, et al?

Again, I am having trouble getting my head around this.