
Super Bowl Sunday Night Open

Schroedinger's Dog2/07/2010 8:50:04 pm PST

re: #334 Racer X

I left most of my money where it was. 3 weeks ago it was above where it was a year ago. Those who took their money out a year ago made a huge mistake.

buy and hold is always a sounder strategy than trying to time the market…Works for Warren Buffet…

As soon as my child support obligation ends in 4 months, I plan to take the amount that was going into that and start paying down debt as fast as I possibly can…then I’ll start buying into some index funds and maybe some bond funds…going to just keep putting in every month and hope I can make up for some lost time, since I’ve got less than 20 years before I can collect SS. I won’t ever quit working, but I’d like to be in a position to do things I like that don’t necessarily pay big bucks at some point.