
The GOP: Bringing Back Infectious Diseases

Prononymous, rogue demon hunter3/21/2011 7:38:14 pm PDT

re: #286 Aceofwhat?

Thanks. Obama’s cut is a concession, republican cuts are a war on the poor. It’s your opinion, and you are quite entitled to it. I appreciate your candor here-

re: #309 Aceofwhat?

Pronymous said it in 283. Pretty fucking close.

No problem. I’ll be plenty candid.

We have a context here and Republicans like cutting social programs. I say that Obama is probably just offering concessions because I know his history. But if he did it because he doesn’t care about the effect on the poor then screw him too.

I’d say that we should have studies done on various departments of the government and determine how much money they really need. IMO, such a study would reveal a program for immunizations probably needs an increase in funds. Some objective measurement is needed here.