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NJDhockeyfan5/16/2013 8:53:24 am PDT

Evan Mathis shows his disdain for the IRS

Already the least popular of the federal governmental agencies, the IRS has taken a significant hit in recent days amid news confirming longstanding beliefs that the U.S. tax department exercised its discretion to conduct audits and generally give folks a hard time with politics in mind.

Like most if not all Americans, Eagles offensive lineman Evan Mathis doesn’t like it. Unlike most if not all Americans, Mathis has opted to make his views known, in an entertaining way.

Mathis posted on Instagram a photo of himself in the universal standing pee position by an IRS sign, with the message “Audit this.

In response to someone who predicted that Mathis will soon be apologizing “count on that,” Mathis said, “How high are we counting?

Apparently, Mathis is willing to count only to number one.