
Why Is Glenn Greenwald Promoting an Extreme Right Wing Militia?

Birth Control Works9/11/2013 4:58:50 pm PDT

re: #324 Dr Lizardo

Sadly, you’re right to be suspicious; I am as well.

That’s one sick SOB. Stuff like that just makes me think that one of these days, from His throne, God/the Flying Spaghetti Monster/Cthulhu/Crom is gonna look down, and say to Himself, “Well, looks like I was a little too optimistic. Time for another Chicxulub Impact Event, and I’ll start over. I know…..I’ll try cockroaches this time around. They can’t be any worse.”

Thing is, this shit has been going on ALL ALONG. It’s only recently that we’ve demanded truth and justice. No more secrets.

I don’t believe humanity has gotten any worse, in fact, we might be getting a bit better. We just get so tired of hearing all the bad stuff, we don’t realize that is a sign that we are getting healthier. Better than not hearing it.