
Pastor Hosting Conference With Huckabee, Cruz and Jindal Says Gay Marriage Will Lead to Cannibalism

No Malarkey!11/03/2015 8:03:15 pm PST

re: #333 Mattand

I’m getting caught up on the thread. The one thing that keeps going through my mind is that KY voted to destroy healthcare for 400,000 people. Mainly because Republicans convinced these voters that they’ll be damned if they’ll let the black guy in the White House make it easer for people to seek medical treatment.

I’d like to think that Bevins will see what a colossal disaster it would be, both on a human level and economic one, and back off.

Then I look at Kansas and realize how fucking insane the GOP can get.

This fucking country, sometimes.

He backed off already. The state will seek a waiver from the feds to have a Medicaid plan like the one Indiana got.