
Today in Trump Chaos: Trump Calls on Congress to Approve $2,000 Stimulus Checks, Hinting He Might Not Sign Relief Bill

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)12/23/2020 4:40:30 pm PST

re: #292 The Pie Overlord!

What about Saami and Inuit? It’s probably their religion that these folks are stealing.

I’m pretty sure it’s like Wiccan in that it’s a modern “look” at pagan religions and to a degree made up of whole cloth.

The blood purity side of it is racist to the core and claiming it’s to honor the proper ancestors is just the fig leaf being used to justify it.

I’d be curious what the purity requirements are for being allowed in; e.g. at what point there is too much non-Nordic ancestry to allow membership. And I also bet they don’t have a mandatory genealogy test since I suspect a number of their members would “fail” it.