
Got a Big Hamas Fish

insomniac1/15/2009 12:14:30 pm PST
6 Nevergiveup 1/15/09 11:22:17 am reply quote

What kind of person keeps his family around him, even when he knows he’s likely to be a high value target for the IAF?

The kind that doesn’t believe in that phrase that “You can’t bring it with you “. I guess he wanted his family around him in the after life?

Perhaps you’ll get an idea after reading this:

When Hamas leader Nizar Rayyan was assassinated in an IAF strike last week, his four wives and 11 of his children died with him. According to his surviving children, the death of the Rayyan family children was not an accident: Rayyan had trained his wives and children to die with him as “martyrs.”

Surviving family members spoke to local Arab media and said that in the days before his death, Rayyan had repeatedly asked his children, “Who wants to die with me as a martyr?” The children would respond, “Yes, daddy, we all want to be with you alive or dead.”

Rayyan Trained His Kids to Die by Maayana Miskin, Jan 7, 2009