
Farmers Insurance Pulls Beck Ads

redstateredneck8/19/2009 11:56:43 am PDT

re: #7 zombie

One of the benefits of being an LGFer is that sometime you get to see things first — a sneak peek at upcoming brouhahas.

And this is one of those times!


Here is my latest upcoming zomblog report:

Death Threats Against Bush at Protests Ignored for Years

Give it a look and tell me:

How can it be improved? Any comments, suggestion, criticisms?

Don’t be afraid to be harsh: I want to give this a “trial by fire” here in this thread before unleashing it into the wild and wolly world of the Internet. However harsh you may be, it won’t compare to the harsh treatment this is going to get at the hands of leftist blogosphere.

So let me have it! Tell me where the report could be improved.


Excellent! Did you include the movie, “Death of a President”, the Bush assassination flick?