
New Peace Talks Imminent

Cheese Eating Victory Monkey8/21/2010 2:07:12 am PDT

re: #338 elbruce

Hey, if you want to split it up and give the Palestinians full sovereignty over their own portion, let’s talk.

What do you think Israel and the Yishuv has been trying to do several times since 1937? Why didn’t the Palestinians accept a state in 1937, 1947, after 1967 and in 2000?

If some of the native people living in that region aren’t considered citizens of that country, then that’s what apartheid is. …And they’re in charge of what exactly? Whatever Israel lets them be in charge of. Which most of the time is nothing. Certainly no bounded region of a sovereign state,

So according to your worldview, autonomy based on internationally binding agreements signed by the PLO (The 1993 Statement of Principles, the Oslo Accords, and the Wye River Agreements) are now a form of institutionalized apartheid.

If you were talking about the rights of Palestinians in neighboring Arab countries, you might have a point. Also, you might want to ask why the Jordanians unilaterally revoked the citizenship of the West Bank Palestinians.