
Terror Attack in Jerusalem

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)3/23/2011 4:34:20 pm PDT

re: #338 Bob Levin

We have a disagreement on psychology. Hatred is actually a luxury, after food and water are taken care of, food and water being so very basic. There is no way that, at that level of being, you attack another nation in the hopes that your soil will magically become fertile and that you will have potable water.

That’s not why they would attack. They’d attack because of a breakdown in the civil order caused by the famine, along with literally attacking in order to get food.

Here’s the paradox, kiddo.

Yeah. Don’t call me kiddo.

I’m saying that underneath the antisemitic mishigas, there is humanity that behaves rationally. You are arguing that this very basic level of humanity is not there.

No, I am not, at all. I don’t think that humanity behaves rationally, though. I’m not sure why you do.

We are capable of doing so. We do so sometimes. That doesn’t mean that doing so is our most basic level.

If humanity behaved rationally, there would be no lottery tickets and no antisemitism.

Israel will help them grow food and purify water. That’s on the table right now.

Yep. And if there is sudden massive change in the Middle East, like a string of revolutions that wind up making the culture less anti-semitic, it’s a possibly that will be accepted. But right now, no.