
David Corn Explains How Journalists Are Colluding With Conservatives to Create Propaganda

A Mom Anon8/06/2013 5:12:14 am PDT

re: #17 ProTARDISLiberal

Because I don’t get discouraged easily, I will say this again to you PTL: You need to reach out in REAL LIFE, not here, for help. There is support out there, but you have to find it, make it a mission. Just as passionate as your interest in Dr Who.

Your support mechanisms are failing most likely due to your anger, it alienates people. Your anger is also most likely due to the abuse from your father. You need someone to talk to about this. I can give you a big clue here too, Women do NOT feel comfortable around talk of violence and retribution, and that in turn will interfere with any possibility of relationships with them beyond the superficial.

Make some phone calls, TODAY. Start with your computer, do searches for “Autism Support Groups by State”, “Autism Mentors”, “Employment Help for People on the Autism Spectrum”, “Therapists Specializing in Autistic Patients”, etc. Do it now, don’t let another day pass. Even if a resource isn’t near you, call them anyway and ask for direction on where to go where you are.

Your dad sounds like a bully, no one deserves to live with that. Get some help so you can get the hell out of there. I worry about you sometimes. Please get help, with it, you can do great things with your life and show your dad he’s wrong about you. Without it, you are only going to become more and more angry and depressed which is not going to lead you anywhere but Awful.