
Donald Trump Calls Conspiracy-Monger Alex Jones to Thank Him, Promises to Go on His Show Soon

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam11/13/2016 9:26:06 pm PST

Downstairs I mentioned a Facebook friend had responded to my blog post about racism under Trump. My WordPress blog automatically posts to my FB TL, so it was only seen by my FB friends. Curiously, when I went to respond to her comment today, I found she had deleted it. I guess I’ll need to answer her privately, but I wanted to share her comment here, to get lizard reactions.

Here’s my blog post for context.

Pot calling the kettle black. I read the blog twice just to make sure what you were saying. America has never really been “safe”. Safety is an illusion. Your personal safety is up to you (always be aware of your surroundings).\There have always been racists and there will always be racists. For you to call the 60 million people who voted for Trump, stupid and racist, is somewhat bigoted (racist?) just because they don’t agree with your point of view. BTW I voted for Gary Johnson because he was the only one with a stated platform. Obviously, you didn’t see that those 60 million voters were tired of the same old, same old government where nothing got done or was done by executive orders which were overturned by the Supreme Court (same as nothing getting done). Similar to when Jimmy Carter became president in 1976 because the public wanted someone from outside of Washington DC. (I voted for him.) I, too, am a student of history and Trump’s hate-filled campaign scared me. But Hillary had just too much baggage to be acceptable to all of the country or me. As to what President-Elect Trump’s policies will be, we will all just have to wait and see. Considering that the US is in debt to China for $1.24 TRILLION, I am more concerned about the national debt than China’s economy. True, we are part of the global economy these days where each country is dependent upon the other. Something the new president will soon learn. And, he has already started to scale back the rhetoric.

Another friend commented that America is safe, because his university has some academics from a Chinese uni visiting and they’re OK.

Both of them are missing the point I was trying to make. Probably I need to find another way to state it.