
Sound the Alarm! Jimmy Kimmel on Bill Cassidy's Health "Care" Bill

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam9/20/2017 11:59:52 am PDT

Did y’all hear about Sept. 23? Apparently, the world is coming to an end.

This is a screen cap from a YouTube (link below - enter at your own risk). This preacher is arguing that on Sept. 23 Jupiter will enter the womb of Virgo (the Virgin), loop around and exit between her legs, while the Sun and Moon stand by to watch. (He draws them in later.)

Sign and wonders!!

Aside from the dubious theological argument, using astrology to predict the Second Coming, his astronomy is way wrong, too. Jupiter takes 12 years to orbit the Sun, so it spends about a year in each of the signs of the zodiac. The looping is retrograde motion, which takes months to complete, but astrology types think it’s significant.

Meanwhile, the even zanier types predict that Nibiru and Jupiter will collide on Saturday, which means something serious is going to happen.


Anyway, here’s the link to the YouTube video mentioned above.

September 23, 2017? What’s going to happen?