
Hasan Minhaj: How Dips**t Grifters Are Scamming You

The Ghost of a Flea3/03/2023 12:58:49 pm PST

It’s also notable that when reactionaries do experiment with debating in good faith against a well-trained debater with expertise…they fail spectacularly, and there’s an arguable good to the occasional highly-structured debate for this reason.

But the issue of platforming on college campuses incorporates another layer that I feel doesn’t get covered: most of the people protested have no qualifications to speak in a meaningfully knowledgable way at an institution of learning. They’re fucking influencers or, at best, quacks that cannot sustain their claims in argument among their peers and have resorted to conspiracy logic…skepticism of my claims is cabal behavior…to have a career. That a campus’ administration would accept the lukewarm vomit notion that inquiry requires “both sides” when one side is fundamentally uninteresting in the process of knowing things and thinking should be mocked and abhorred.