
Former Human Rights Watch Chairman Notices Things Have Gone Awry

J.S.10/20/2009 9:12:05 pm PDT

re: #19 Boondock St. Bender

(Actually, Native Americans living on or off reserve in Canada — many times live in abject squalor == if you travel north, you’ll see living conditions reminiscent of the 19th century…rampant alcohol abuse, high-school dropouts, illiterates, ramshackle dilapidated housing — much of it without indoor toilets or running water — kids doing solvent sniffing — drunken brawls, wife abuse, etc., the list of woes goes on and on…anyway, the “problem” though is that, it isn’t just the government’s fault — there are many, many factors operating…with no simple, quick-fix solutions at hand…and playing on the “Oh, we’re the victims! the victims!” is not empowering — it further serves, imo, to turn them into infants…)